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Oliver Guyon (b.1994) studied at Bath School of Art & Design and has a studio in Milton Keynes. He makes work that is rooted within the expanded field of painting. It questions the possibilities of what painting is. These paintings explore the object potential of space, colour, line and edge. Raised planes are used as a device to create tension between surface and depth. The effect of light on concave and convex surfaces extends the tonality of a given colour field.

The fabric of the work explores the dichotomy between abstract and minimalist composition with historical painting methodologies: in particular adding pigment to handmade gesso to create a tinted ground. The gesso is wet sanded and polished to varying degrees to create different effects. The finished surface is traditionally considered as a preparatory painting ground which creates a paradox. In that these object paintings may also be considered as non-paintings.




2014-2017 B.A. (Hons) Degree, Fine Art, Bath School of Art & Design


2021 Yellow Archangel. General Practise, Lincoln. [21 May – 26 June]


2020 TEIDA (The Exhibition I Dreamt About). Virtual Instagram, @occasionalcurator [11 – 17 September]

         Grey / Gray (Matters) . Divisible projects, Ohio.[3 - 24 July]


2019 On The Road. No Format Gallery, London.[18 - 24 November]

         Məˈtɪərɪəl. Centrespace Gallery, Bristol. [31 May - 5 June]


2018 Beep Painting Biennial. Elysium  Gallery, Swansea. [3 August – 3 September]

         Soft Rebellion. 29a Westgate Street, Bath. [25 May - 10 June]

         Pavilion of Painting. 15 Bond Street, Bath. [25 May - 10 June]


2017 Graduate Art Prize, Exchange House, London [8 November] 

          STOCK, OXO Bargehouse, London. [27 – 30 July] 

​         Degree Show. Bath Spa University. [9 -18 June] 

​         Showcase (solo) (Wall Space Collective). Sion Hill Gallery, Bath. [21 March – 1 April] 

​         Archipelago. Centrespace Gallery, Bristol. [27 January -1 February] 


2016 ​Wall Space. Sion Hill Gallery, Bath. [23 – 27 May] 

         A Lifetime of Work. Lane House Arts Gallery, Bath Fringe Arts Festival, Bath [27 May – 12 June] 

         Wallspace. 146 Walcot Street, Bath [3 – 13 May] 

         Open studios. Sion Hill [14 – 15 March] 

         Tantamount A. Sion Hill, Bath Spa University. [6 – 5 January] 

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